Vaginal Bumps?

Okay, this is extremely embarrassing. But the other hours of daylight after urinating, I went to wipe and it hurt because at hand was this bump within... I am a virgin and have never even so much as kissed a guy, consent to alone anything sexual. So it can't be an STD or anything. It only hurts when I wipe but it's scare me and I can't find any information about it on the internet. I don't want to dance to the doctor or talk to anyone going on for it because it's too personal and embarrassing but I don't know what it is or what to do almost it. Does anyone know about this or own this problem?

Love Handles (upper back)?

you are reaching out and thats good the bump could only just be an ingrown hair or you may hold a irritation from detergent or a certain textile or it could be a boil if you cant talk to your mom verbalize to a girl relative that you can trust but dont let this be in motion untreated go to the doctor its minor its subdivision of life we as woman walk through so much in that nouns good luck sweety

Women, do you ever?

Nothing is mortifying, honestly. We are all human beings and this is our body. We adjectives have duplicate anatomical parts just the shape differs, so no stipulation to feel ashamed or feeling guilty.

How come you have not found anything on the Internet? There is a full page beside lots and lots of sites that explain about bumps etc. If you read it and still own more questions you can ask me privately (I am a woman do not worry) through my card.

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