How can i make disappear stretch grades from my butt ?



You can try using creams that are made especially for stretch marks. The most powerful creams contain ingredients such as cocoa butter, lanolin and wheat germ oil. These creams truly heal and recreate the damaged skin. While they may not be capable of completely eliminate stretch grades, they may at least engineer the stretch marks fade to a by a hair`s breadth visible defacement.

If you are considering a permanent solution, another means of access to treat your stretch marks is by laser surgery. This surgery take place over a series of expensive sessions, but is the most successful way to win rid of your stretch marks. The laser removes the dog-eared layers of skin, and help the new growth of collagen which fixes broken skin tissue. This in turn help heal the stretch results.

If you are interested in other effective treatments for stretch grades, you can read abt them here:

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Unfortunately, you can't make stretch results disappear. They will in time fade. Try not to infer of them.

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They will never disappear totally trust me but in that is this stuff you can buy from the chemist that is call BIO-OIL it fades them it is amazing stuff it works for scar too Hope that helps and remember you are dazzling just the track you are.

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you can't. don't believe anything give or take a few creams etc. you also cannot prevent stretch marks any. the stretching and tearing of the tissue is below the surface of the skin (fairly deep) so creams etc. cannot attain to the area

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I used a Retin-A prescription on my hips, and it help fade them. I did forget about them and after I noticed sooner or later they weren't there as prominent. I can get the impression them, but it's less visible

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nothing really helps much

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