Please answer it..the first time i asked, singular 3 populace answered. [GIRLS ONLY]?

i have this white stuff on my nipples and my boobs kinda hurt,
i had that white stuff for more or less a year or so now. what could it be?
please i don't wana go to a boobs started hurting this morning. but i involve to know if the white stuff is normal or not .

Answers:    i dont think so
that dont nouns normal hon
and you need to turn to a doctor
or at least call one and ask
this is the most i found: Galactorrhea, or indecorous lactation, is a relatively common problem that occurs within approximately 20 to 25 percent of women. Lactation requires the presence of estrogen, progesterone and, most importantly, prolactin. Stress, suckling, sleep, sexual intercourse and medications may increase prolactin levels, whereas dopamine inhibits its release.
White stuff on your nipples, or coming from your nipples is not mundane. Whether you want to or not you need to see a doctor. Have some respect for your body, grow up and do the mature piece.

I'm sure the three people who already answered this question said the exact same item, and anyone who answers it now will say it too. Doctors progress to school for a long time to be able to concordat with medical issues. No one is going to be able to make clear to you what the "white stuff" on your nipples is, what is causing it, or how to get rid of it. Only a doctor who as in truth seen you can do that.

As a nursing student I can tell you right immediately, there is absolutely zilch normal about it, and it could be indicative of serious problems. So swallow your stupidity and acquire to a doctor!.
It's hard to answer because the question is sort of nondescript. Do you mean it's white liquid, powder, bumps, skin flakes, crust, etc.? Is it on or around the nipples? Can you bring it off or is it a permanent condition?

My first guesses are these: any you have dry skin and the dead skin is flaking past its sell-by date, in which case you can only just use lotion, or if it's right in the center of the nipple, it could be a pus discharge, in which armour you'd need to go to the doctor to trade name sure it's not a sign of a serious problem. .
ok,tacky white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.
the only other entity is pregnancy,
u might have developed mastitis, bacterial infection of the breast nipple. It usually appears when cracks on nipples are present.
There are also other potential causes of nipple discharge and seeing a doctor would be the wisest item to do to rule out malignancies and the other causes.
Also, smoking, hypertension, birth control pills can increase levels of prolactin hormone (that stimulates milk production) and basis nipple discharge.
hope this helps dear.
clare .
no it is NOT normal, you are not going to draw from a different answer, and if you have had it for a year you want to get to a doctor. believe me when I tell you a doctor have seen stranger things than a leaky boob. A lot stranger. And just FYI it could be cancer, so get hold of your butt to a doctor. Look, just don't panic. The likelihood are it is nothing serious but to be sure that it is properly taken care of you will obligation to see a doctor. It may seem weird at first but to be precise their job. What do you value more.Being a moment or two embarrassed or being good?.
Its just hormones that make it appear and take home your boobs hurt. Have you had a baby? Are you possibly pregnent? After I have kids this happens somethimes when I get my interval. Its colustrum (what you get before you gain breast milk) i read about this actually! um its not conventional just to let you know and you want to see a doctor i think it may be an infection of some sort look just suck it up and walk! you can do it!
weird, nevr happnd 2 me b4. not 2 scare u, but it mite b skin cancer. its straightforward 2 treat, but if u wait 4 ansers on yahoo, it could get wors. PLEASE c a doctor, or at tiniest tell ur parents.

Could be dead skin cell accumulating or something but I would deffo go to the doctor

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