How old do you enjoy to be to develop breast cancer (in a girl)?


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Cancer can strike at any age. My mom was 32 when she have breast cancer. If you have a lump, take it checked by a doctor.


Breast cancer, like any cancer, can develope at any age

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Ehh I had Cancer cell in one of My breast that have a lump..I was 15! and have it removed but than i need more surgry 4 it and 16 presently But girls are age gotta watch out for anything not mundane.But we rarly get breast cancer..usaully 30-70 yr olds are most adjectives to get it..

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Cancer does not discriminate by age,sexual category,ethnic background or anything else. Some ethnicities are more prone to cancer, but largely anyone can develop it. Women over 40 are especially asked to get their per annum mammograms without procrastination. My mom be only 45 years old-fashioned when she was diagnosed next to breast cancer, and they said she was technically young. After 7 years it have spread from her breast to her lungs to her bones. Anyway, if you are young (under 30) you shouldn't own too much to worry going on for. They do breast exams at your annual gyno visit and usually show you how to do self breast exams, so if at hand is anything to worry just about, it will more than likely be caught contained by time.

If you feel something unusual and are worried, definately breed an appointment. You can never be too cautious in the region of your health.

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