Convulsions and orgasms?

Is that the same piece?
If not how are they diffrent

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con·vul·sion (kn-vlshn) KEY


An intense, raging, involuntary muscular contraction.
An uncontrolled fit, as of laughter; a paroxysm.
Violent turmoil: "The marketplace convulsions of the last few weeks hold shaken the world" (Felix Rohatyn).

or·gasm (^orgzm) KEY


The peak of sexual excitement, characterized by strong mental state of pleasure and by a series of involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genitals, usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen by the masculine. Also called climax .
A similar point of intensity of heated excitement

Some women do not have them when they are next to their partners because it usually take longer for a woman to climax than it does for a male. When the mannish is done...he's done in the majority of cases.

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I DON'T KNOW . I don't get any!

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convulsions are the be getting hold of of and after an orgasm

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convulsions are muscle spasms, and orgasm...well how do i explain that?.its a release.i do know you can bring spasms around the time of an orgasm.

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