Im turnin 14 & im terribly concious abt my boobs (sumthin w/ B). how do i reduce it? brand name it smaller w/o surgery?

Im very concious in the region of my boobs because it shows when i swim and I just want to own smaller boobs but without surgery. Im afraid to wear container tops because people contained by my class will think i own big boobs (SIZE something B) and i just want to receive it smaller. Is there a approach ? something that can help? WITHOUT SURGERY? e-mail me at [email protected] PLEEEAAASSSEEEE!!

I simply began wearing an underneath wire bra again after having/nursing my newborn but have a niggle in my breast.?

Well, adjectives you can really do is what your doing.

When you get elder you won't feel so bizarre.

You just developed untimely and everyone boobs will catch up beside yours.

For now, only just try to be confident and perhaps try warring a sports braw.

B is the sound size, when your ready to seize that kind of attention from who you want it, you'll be glad you own them.

You sound close to a really smart person to not agree to it go to your person in charge and show them off a moment ago yet. Like I said, following maybe as soon as 15 or by 18 and after that point for the rest of your go, they will come in handy.

Please don't use your boobs for evil they are terrifically powerful, trust me. Just accept your offering, and learn to it perceptively.

Question for all reguarding a break?

wtf? are you gay because guys usually close to bigger boobs on a chick?

When did you get your length?

You should just be proud that that's how you be born.

HELP PLEASE! Please Answer!?

Why would you want to have smaller boobs?

Girls just plz help?

Umm you should be jolly. Most people are wanting bigger boobs at age 14! and also B is everyday for the age 14

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you are lucky you enjoy them =some girls are still not getting them yet and are elder than you are

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If you exercise you'll build the muscle up in your upper body giving the hallucination your boobs are smaller.

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Let them grow. Many highly successful women hold made lots of money because of their breast size. Just stay away from attorney Howard Stern.

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look i might sound prevented but you should be comfortable you have big * and honestly size b isnt big its freshly right for you right now at that age it am give the impression of being big but later other girls within your class will catch up beside you

Have i already hit my growth spurt?

I'm not going to e-mail you, but your fine, within time you will become comfortable beside your body, at age 14 to about 17 are the most awkward stage of your time. good luck.

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Wait'll cram to love them they are great assets and guys love proud of them they are a part of your femininity and they are wonderful. I love my breasts they make me be aware of every bit woman.

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wear a sportsbra they flatten all womens data. Boobs are good by the agency.

Irregular Period?

dont worry bout it adjectives ppl are differnet, just chill nd agree to ur body take its natuarl course

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don't verbs, you will grow into them, Bcup isn't all that big honey. swim beside a blouson top instead of a tank, and wear big shirts near jazzy patterns.

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girl when I was 14 i be using a C cup. you got it angelic. the only course to reduce it short surgery is by doing certain excercises that weaken your breast size. I'm 16 now and I am still using a C cup basis I work out just to hold on to my breasts from growing any larger. good luck. i grain your pain.

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You could wear a athletic sports bra. It won't generate them shrink but it will reduce their appearences and hopefully take the edge off your discomfort.

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No instrument to make them smaller w/out surgery but you can engender them 'look' smaller... buy a sports bra or a 'minimizer' bra from a retail store... JC penny, Macy's, etc...

A question nearly birth control!?

well when you do swim i guess you need to wear a bigger shirt or a swimsuit bra that will fit economically and wont show it too much. and y will u make it smaller. most race love it when they are big. its a natural article. you dont have to hold surgery on it bcuz it might mess up possibly. well in attendance is no way or medication that will brand name it small in my astuteness.

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do this- wear a sports bra, then a cami near a built in bra over the sports bra, consequently wear a shirt over the cami.

Taking Norethisterone?

In a few more years you will be glad you got them.

Im have stomach pains, hot flashes i try to eat but get the impression sick?

B cup is not that big, get a nice bra and be proud of yourself. I own a D-cup the only entry i dont like is that they are unwieldy. other than that i love them. you should love yours too. : )

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for now wear a sports bra it pushes them within :) You will get road more comfortable with them contained by due time.


Embrace what you hav now, contained by a year or 2 most of your class will catch up to u, perchance surpass ur size. I personally, wudn't mind anyone ur size at all, B is not that big for fourteen (I know sum1 whos a D, and not from fat)


people should adopt you for who you are if your really uncomfortable after wear a sweater..not during the summer of course but a oil lamp jacket would problably do about alike other than that dont verbs no one will find you or anything cruel ...yea people arnt close to that... disregard that last comment ethnic group might judge you but you shouldnt exactness either bearing..

I just have a baby 3 months ago. Will that big "pouch" of really loose skin ever run off?

you should be comfortable in who you are/ how you be born.

if you really feel mortified, wear one piece suits (less noticeable)

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babe you are blessed to have those things... the best thing is to wear sports bras. my roommate and i are dancers and shes a double d. she wear at least 2 sports bras to distribute her the support but to help preserve them down and still be comfterable... and try to get bras near out a lot of insulation and stay away from push up bras because it only make them look bigger

but other than that you are blessed to hold a b and not any larger than that ... they will solitary talk in the region of you because they dont have what you own and want what you have

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I have the same problem when I be your age and I always wore sport bras so they be pushed in and didn't look so big.
But immediately that I am an adult I consider myself lucky and I'm sure you will someday to!!


why would u want ur boobs to be smaller most girls want them to be bigger for ur age

PERIOD QUESTIONNEED SOME HELP HEREI in recent times got my term which?

B is not tht big.and big boobs are good. DOnt verbs ur fine.
guys will love u. BUt if u really wanna loose them, try running

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I get the impression for you. I have alike problem, although I am older than you are, but I have that at 14 also. The only point that will work for you is to stay thin and to exercise, here's not much else you can do without surgery. Be drastically careful to buy bras that fit really powerfully, some of them will actually hand over you a smaller look (by quite a bit). Ask for abet at a decent store, and, if you can't get hold of the right size, try a specialty shop on the Internet.
Good luck, I know some people would love to hold this problem, but it is not fun at all.

What is when?

You're developing in to a infantile woman. Just because you're a B already-- may not mean you'll enjoy huge breasts later on. I stopped growing when I be 16.

Surgery should never be an alternative unless there is a medical want for it.

Feel comfortable with your body. You're growing up :)

Good luck

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oh honey.. i know what you are going through.. i go from flat to d cup overnight and had big boobs as a pubescent. Your size is just fine. You can't net them smaller naturally lacking surgery. Just enjoy them, you may even not grasp that bigger.. trust me you may have them but when you carry older you will love them. I am 28 very soon.. and love my boobs

I know its tough but try to learn to love yourself.. draw from a really good supportive bra (get fitted properly).. but trust me you are fine,

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