
i was wondering, do these in truth work well? cuz i own to go on them and i dont wanna bring them if they dont even work well at adjectives, how long does it usually take for them to see in? im anxious of trying them cuz i know these are my last hope of beign in good spirits again and im afraid i'll go on them and they wont do anything for me, that will brand name me feel even more depressed knowing they dont even work.


they dont start working for around a week or more but they do help rather I had to lift them twice in my time and they were rather better

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They have help my anxiety greatly, as far as my depression, not so much. I'm still dealing with it almost every morning. It took months for me to start to feel my anxiety level go down, so when you start them don't expect a miracle, it does appropriate a long time and some experimentation. You may have to try a few different medication and dosages before you find one that works.

What do I do?

They do work, but not right away, but you will be capable of tell when they do. There are frequent different ones so if one does not seem to be helping inform the dr and he/she will give you a differnt one. I enjoy taken them off and on over the yrs-for impossible depression and what happened alot is i would not give attention to i needed them becasue i was consciousness like my elderly self so i thought i was better but it be becasue of them and when i stopped i eventually would get depressed again.

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