Missing periods, belated ovulation..whats wrong?

Since December, I have missed my time every other month - so in other words, I've with the sole purpose been geting it every 2 months. I HAVE see my doc but she said I'm probably just ovulating tardy and this may become usual for me. Does anyone know any other health reason this may be happening?


My mom have the same piece when she was younger but she didn't know it be unusual at the time. She didn't/doesn't have any form problems then/now. Also, it changed for her now that she is older, it is every month. I don't give attention to it's a big deal with the sole purpose if get's too bulky or changes surrounded by smell. Also, consider your diet and exercise. Have you started working out or more than you use to? If so than that might be why. And if there are no problems next consider yourself lucky!

Is it true that every time u hav a menstration cycle your breast get biggr respectively time ur on it?

It may be that your body is producing less estrogen,or the uterus isn't thicken as much. I personally don't meditate there's anything to verbs about.

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