Why do i discern angelic when i thieve paradise?

I dont feel shy,i could do all nite? lol

Answers:    because it messes beside the natural be a foil for of the brain. it may seem great right immediately, but it will harm you contained by the end. believe me, i've done my share of partying and i experimented near drugs when i was younger, but x other scared me. look out - the horror stories about that drug are NOT made up; the consequences are really real.
cos its a drug...thats what they do...but trust me...dont do it more consequently a few times...cos it really bad!.lone reason i say aloud a few times is cos i know your going to anyways... X "dumps" all of your serotonin (natural smiling drug) into your system at once. It makes you chirpy and friends and makes lots of things grain good.

At alike time it's VERY bad for you. Your serotonin reservoir never fill back up completely and it will rationale complications later, including depression.

Quit while you're ahead.
Listen to the song "In the arms of an angel" I can't chew over of the name of the woman that wrote it but Tommy Flemming sings it aswell. You'll seize it on YouTube.
You feel so well-mannered because it releases feel correct chemicals in your brian. But after partying for a while you will own used up all your perceive good chemicals you own nothing but get the impression bad chemicals disappeared. Your brain will also want more extasy wether you relise this or not.
Anything you do is all you. But as I hold done extacy(not now because of pregnancy) I know you shouldnt do it adjectives the time. You could realy ** yourself up. And DRINK WATER!
Or you will burn holes in your brain.
why do you consistency good ? because its a drug you idiot. Because its a see * drug ha, pure mdma is harmless, though improvident use and abuse can hurt your serotoinsurrounded by lvls (but your seretoin eventually does come back) The seretoin receptors are bombared with so lots seretoin cells that some are dmged or destroyed, but studys own shown that the dmg is not permanent and can be repaired. Just space out your rolls, once a month is accurate, longer is better of course.
thats what the drug is used for. thats why its made thats why its call ecstasy. duh. you pretty much freshly took a pill without knowing the effects. lol. smart.

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