Please sustain me i dont know what this is?

I have not even so started my period but i enjoy this white slimy discharge. i have have this for a really long time now and its oderless but self just resembling to know if this is normal and when it ailing stop, and what it is.

EWWWWWy Gross?

very usual sweety...

odoless is good and the discharge is merely a sign that you are becoming a woman, you are entering the different stages untill you start you period and so on...

i remember freaking out because i though i started my time of year only to find out i started discharge and from near i think it took me approaching a year or more to start my period... (",)

please school youself on female anatomy and sicknesses and deseases related to the feminine anatomy.
Discharge is very conventional for as long as it is clear in colour and odorless..
and as far as yeast infection: its characterized by ithchiness and flush of the vaginal area along near dicharge which is yellowish in colour and smelly too..

If you dont know your stuff, shrrup and dont freak poor girlies out!

What is the best product to use on your frontage for blackheads, pimples, acne, etc.?

its normal, no problems unless it starts to smell desperate. panty liners changed a few times a afternoon help you to be aware of fresh, but really nothing to verbs about :-)

I dont muse its a period..what is it?

it sounds rather normal to me, as long as it is odorless and isn't itchy or anything, if you indicate you have never have a period afterwards it probably means you are going to start soon.

don't verbs about it it sounds completely regular to me

Im so very drastically scared? please sustain me with this?

sounds resembling a vaginal yeast infection. it won't go away unless you treat it...but if it's your first yeast infection you have need of to go see your dr. first. after that, if you obtain any vaginal yeast infections in the future you can treat yourself. in that are lots of good products out on the flea market right now that work really capably. the reason the dr. wants to see you after the first infection is to rule out any physiological abnormalities (that may fashion you more prone to yeast infections), other infections or other complications (that could potentially be fatal!)

Is she doing drugs?

that's ordinary don't worry adjectives women get this. it freshly means that you will start previously too long

Lumps and pain contained by breast?

totally normal. It vehicle your vagina is getting ready for your time of year. I had one and the same thing for almost 6 months before my extent started.

What is the best way to verbs out the toxins in your system? (i don't mean drugs)?

go to the doctor or Web MD on the internet. Never self diagnose

[email protected]

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