If you enjoy Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and you stop birth control, will your period remain common?

I may or may not have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and I'm currently on birth control to regulate my period. My periods are usually 2-3 months (sometimes much longer). If, contained by the future, I budge off of the birth control...will my body customize and become regular (or at least more regular)? Or will I promise with irregular period for good?

How do i reach a deal to my mom about?

Since your period were out of the ordinary before starting the pill, I would guess that they still will be after you stop taking it. The pill is not a cure; it merely mask your symptoms while you are on it. You will need to work near your OB/GYN or an endocrinologist to figure out the basis and treatment for your abnormal menses. You can backing the situation now by exercising regularly and consumption a healthy, adjectives natural diet. There are also some herb you can take that give a hand to regulate periods, close to Vitex (Chasteberry), but they don't work for everyone, and shouldn't be taken while on birth control pills. Check out this website: www.soulcysters.net. There are some massively knowledgeable ladies on this forum. Good luck to you, I know this manner of stuff can be stressful. The best thing you can do very soon is a lot of research,,, and stay drastically healthy!

Discharge problems?

If your period were atypical before you started the pill, they will still be remarkable when you go bad of it.

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