What does a blood audition determine besides pregnancy?

I had a blood experiment done about a month ago because i purely started a new errand and a local hospital. If they found anything wrong with my blood would they enjoy contacted me? I haven't heard anything from them about my blood test. What adjectives does a blood test determine?

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Considering the fact that its a situation at a hospital, they were probably checking your Hepatitis antibody level, as well as checking to see if you have any other communicable diseases such as Syphilis, AIDS, etc. They may also have be conducting drug screening to make sure near wasn't an immediate indication of drug use.

They should own told you exactly what they were conducting tests for prior to drawing your blood and submitting it to the lab.

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Blood tests are used for almost, well how lots medical things can go wrong next to a person.

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They wouldn't give you a pregnancy audition for a new duty. They will of course testing it for drugs. That is the only entity. They cannot give you medical test without your consent. (it's illegal)

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