Gynecologist-how to ask my mother again?

Around 6 months ago, I started to notice a lump on the inside of my vagina, and several smaller bumps on them that are growing, and getting easier said than done. I'm extremely nervous almost these, so I consulted my school nurse (I've agreed her all my natural life and really trust her) and she told me to go to the gynocologist for it, and also to stir on birth control because I have really fruitless cramps when I have my interval.

We called my mother together, and described the problem, and my mother said that she would sort a gynocologist appointment, but she hasn't yet. It's be about a month and a partially, but I'm scared to ask her again because my mother is fundamentally strict.

How can I ask her again without seeming close to I'm nagging? Also, what could the bump be?

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You MUST ask her again.

Don't worry nearly how strict she is, this is your health we're chitchat about. If she refuse to make you an appointment consequently I suggest you make one yourself and freshly go. As your mother she shouldn't be putting your form at risk by procrastinating.

I don't know what the lump could be but you definitely requirement it checked out.

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Make sure you ask her when shes not deeply busy and you can get her full attention. Calmly communicate her that you want to go because you are worried that nearby could be something wrong and make sure she know that you are very serious. If she doesn't gross an appointment for you after you ask her again then bring up to date the school nurse. She should know how to help you out.


Go ahead and nag, your robustness and possibly your life is at stake.

Tell your Mom that Dr. Hudson insists that you get an appointment to see a gynecologist ASAP.

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I am not sure what your problem is but You really should see a gynecologist. I know it may be awkward, or that you mom may deduce it is no big deal. But you have need of to ask her again. If she still won't make an appointment consequently go to your nurse and explain what is up maybe she can natter to your mom or tell you more or less a free clinic in your area.

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First, your Mother should be concerened adequate to get you into the dr. And, if you are over 13 you can move about to Planned Parenthood without a parents consent. I would suggest that and bear a friend with you to spawn it less rudeness racking. Please, get contained by to see a DR. before whateve it is get worse. Go to the website I added to find the one nearest you...good luck!

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the bump sounds like genital wart..are u sexually active?

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why dont u make the appointment ur self? u can ring ur local health department and label an appointment and go and ur mom dont hold to know

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If you don't have any other symptoms and your not sexually alive I would say that it's probably nil.

However if you are sexually active it could be alot of different things and the sooner you catch treated the better. Since you say your mother is strict I would speak wait until you are alone together and she's within a calm relaxed mood and consequently start with something resembling "Mom, I really need to gossip to you about something and I really want your help. This is difficult for me so please hear me out." Then sensibly and respectfully tell her everything. I conjecture you will be pleasently surprised by how understanding she is if you embezzle this approach.

Good luck.

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