Peri menopause?

I am 32 years old. I hold periods with the sole purpose 3 times a year. I have 2 immensely light ones and one really heavily built. I am trying to find a dr but not many embezzle medicaid. Could this just be stress or peri menopause? I own night sweats so bleak that I feel close to I have a hallucination but when I take it is regular. I feel tired at times but not sickly. I own been really depressed and even enjoy brief psyhocises> I go to a therapsit and psychitrist but neither of them enjoy find any causes for my mental issues. I believe adjectives of these symptoms may be related somehow but how?

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Please see your doctor because I'm not one. But I can inform you this, that my mom had bleak night sweats...she have to change her shirt a few times a darkness. She was contained by her late 40's wager on then.

Sometimes going thru a disappearance or any other emotional stress can impose you to stop your periods. My husband's great-grandmother stopped her period when she was within her early 30's. Her husband have died. Please try to find a doctor to help you. I want you the best. God bless.

I also recommend that you go to a church and ask them to pray for you! It will abet relieve depression a bit if you start reading your bible as well. God loves you!

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Is this the first year that this is going on? Have you lost a lot of cargo? Night sweats are likely a symptom of your depression. I don't believe you are peri-menopause. You're too babyish for that.

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Im assuming you still have both ovaries...Therefore I don't ponder its peri-menopause. But I do think you enjoy a hormonal imbalance. Is at hand a chance that you are bi-polar..Are you have panic attacks..You have need of to get out your phone book and start making phone call to doctors...You may have to travel a touch distance to find a doc that will treat you. In the area that i live contained by 90% of the doctors take medicaid. Honey, if you are bi-polar you can perceive depressed and think your going nuts sometimes or you can consistency on top of the world at times and your chemical disparity throws you off be a foil for and when it does all kind of things happen. Hormones can achievement the same mode..Get to a good doctor and you should procure some answers!!

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You can buy a home menopause kit at the pharmacy or Wal-Mart, etc. It sounds similar to you're entering menopause but knowing for sure would ease your mind.

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Go to a doctor, any doctor that will take the insurance. Go to a strength clinic at a local college that has a medical program. They usually own students who will check you with the supervision of a doctor and it will cost profoundly less afterwards a doctor who has already graduate.

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its possible it is peri menopause but its also possible you have a tumor or something else, you want to see a gynocologist. good luck.

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