I obligation to hear from women that have have a total abdominal hysterectomy?

Were you scared? How long did it whip you before you could drive? What be the pain close to? What did it do to your sex drive? Did it have any psychological effects on you? Were you worried roughly speaking the anesthesia? I just enjoy so much on my mind about this. Just didn't expect it.

Vaginal lumps, what is it?

I be in so much pretty continuous throbbing from endometriosis that I was looking foreward to have the surgery. After the surgery you need at lowest 3 weeks with no driving or other hum and up to 6 weeks of limited distraction to allow for complete healing. After the first week, the post operative backache can be controlled with plain acetomeniphen. My sex drive be better once I healed because I have no more pain at adjectives and no menses to be a problem. You will need to clutch hormone replacement therapy of some sort to control the symptoms of menopause. If you hold a hobby or craft stuff you enjoy, stock up on supplies beforehand the surgery so you have something calmness to occupy yourself for a few weeks. I made a patchwork babyquilt for my stepdaughter who was pregnant at the time.

Besides surgerywhat are some automatic, safe and right alternatives for a woman who wants to increase her?

I have a subtotal abdominal hysterectomy. (the cervix was left) no, i wasn't panicky because it wasn't as scary as the colon cancer surgery i have ten years ago. This time I took it easy for a longer time since I developed hernias the finishing time. The anesthesia is not bad but it could build you sick after. There was not much agony because they give you drugs. My horrible PMS symptoms are in a minute gone and I don't miss the week long heavy period either. The menopausal hot flashes aren't as fruitless as the PMS ones. If i would have set I would have feel this much better I would have have the hysterectomy long ago. good luck beside yours!

Girls only PLS!?

my mom have one this summer let me see if i can assistance you a little.
she wasn't scar cuase it was culmination a multiple year long prolbem. and it was medically needed
she couldn't drive for 6 weeks.
she have what seems to be similar to ghost pains approaching cramps or nerves growing back but zilch she can't deal near.
i won't comment on my moms sex drive sorry
she is still returning to feeling ok. Its main surgery and you are losing a part of you that make you feel approaching a women. But its only a outlook. Its not what makes you one.

polite luck

Okay i have to shift get birth control and the do a pap smear. i enjoy a embarassign question.?

i only had my total abdomial hysterectomy final wek everything went fine,everyones upset i think,i sure be im only 32 have bad endometrosis.and few other problems and it be for the bestthe pain is truthfully im not a cramp person,outch but they do endow with meds and its controllable for your pain,i have a pain pump of morpine when i be in hospital ,later they gave me percet ,hopefully u can filch them ,i could not had a alergic counterattack ,they had to tender me something else,havent drove yet ,dr said atleast 3weeks,sex im not even thinking of that,lol but oldman is,lol i hear its like 6 weks close to when ya have a babe-in-arms im not sure,no drive yet.ive be really emmocional past few days and dr put me on premerin some hormone treatment said it would comfort with hot flashes too,i be very worried just about anestesia,cause i be told to quit smokingand i tryed but was so worked up could not,so if ya smoke atleast slow down its not accurate.i know your feeling my surgry even get moved up on me 2 weeks ahead of schedule i be very terrified,just lift it easy,ive ben thru copious surgry s dont have much vanished for them to take out,it never get easyer,but thy know what there doing and if its best for u bring it done and over with im glad i did still for a while sore but feeling btter by the year goodluck .

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