I nEeD some HELP! its outstandingly important but can be slickly answered!!?

hi i got my belly button peirced in the order of almost 2 weeks ago and its still red!! it doesn;t hurt any more .the redness is terrifically annoying ...iv been cleaning it twice a hours of daylight and been taking a mulitble vitimin so what can i do to receive the redness down? because zilch seems to work


Ladies solely ..bleeding two weeks after period?

I enjoy had mine pierced for almost 3 years in a minute and I remember that it was slightly red for sometime. Didn't they tell you that it could rob up to a year for it to heal? Or be you in too much of a hurry and any done it yourself or had a friend do it? Anyhow, you stipulation to get some marine salt if you don't already own it... mix 1 tsp with I believe 1 cup of hose and clean it 2 times a time. DO NOT put an antibiotic cream on it, as this can keep any germs that is in that trapped and cause an infection.

Is it true(birth control)?

go to a doctor.infection I don`t know...but if u don't want to go to a doctor...rime it..

Prom, period, & hotel room comfort?

It really shouldn't be red at this point. Is it oozing anything? I would worry it may enjoy gotten an infection. At the very smallest you might want to get it checked a short time ago to be sure. Other than that an antibacterial cream like neosporin, etc might lend a hand.

What drugs can I take to lose 10kg A.S.A.P?

Belly buttons disgracefully take forever to treat. Mine wasn't totally cured until six *months* after piercing... and I took good protection of it.

My piercer recommended a dilute saltwater wash, which seem to help. Otherwise, avoid button-down shirts for a while, since they chafe. If you get a ring, a barbell may be less infective subsequent time.

Tampons and swimming?

Is the spot hot? Could your shirts or pants be rubbing up against this nouns? If not, I would say move about back to where on earth you had it done and ask them what could be the problem. It should enjoy gone away, unless there is something else that could be irritating the skin.

Someone Please Help? (Women merely please, Gyn. related issue)?

It may be infected or you may be allergic to the metals they used.

Dont play with the piercing and merely handle it next to clean hand. Try not to let your clothing rub it any as that irritates it. You can try to put some polysporin on the ring and very sensibly glide it through the hole and support through,making sure the ring is covered in it while you do that.

Also, buy some epsom salts (pharmacy will own it) and pour some into a warm tub and soak for 30 minutes.

You should see either your home doctor or a dermatologist though either method.

licenced paramedic

What kind of Dr?

see a doctor, it might be an precipitate start to an infection.

I wan increase my sexual?

Of the dozen or so people I know near pierced belly buttons, at least partly have gotten an infection and have tohave it re-pierced. If you notice any drainage or foul odor, it may be infected. Also, I have one friend who had her's pierced and it in truth worked it's way OUT! Her's stayed red, didn't hurt, but eventually ROTTED it's route out and left a abnormal flap of skin on either side!

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