Birth control and spotting..?

This is the end of my first week taking the birth control and I'm spotting as if my spell is about to start but I merely got sour it like a week ago (last Saturday). The gyno told me something something like spotting but I don't remember exactly what she said! So is spotting normal?

Ive get this little dangly thing?

spotting is run of the mill for some people. like mad of times, it can mean that you are ovulating. birth control pills can really throw sour your hormonal balance so if you enjoy ovulated already, i won't be surprised. don't worry, though, it happen to lots of people and it wil turn common and go away next to time. i also reccomend calling your doctor back and asking him what he said nearly spotting. i hope that this helps and virtuous luck!

Skip, or induce my period for this month?

Breakthrough bleeding is possible during usage of birth control pills, though unusual at the initiation. If you're having breakthrough bleeding immediately, it means you own to get a stronger (high dose) pill.

My gyn told me this.

Answers asap?

Yes, spotting or breakthrough bleeding is especially common, specially during the first one or two pack of pills. If it gets heavier [like menstrual bleeding], you should contact your Gyno because you may want to switch to another brand of pill.

What is this pill?

for some people is fine but usually it channel that you need a difficult dose of bc hormone. talk to your doctor because when i started yasmin 4 months ago i never have break thru bleeding so may be you need to ckeck that beside your doctor

How can I start early or deferral my period for 1 month?

They articulate spotting can happen upto 3 months while on BC. Mine be for 6 weeks non stop. And yeah - I thought spotting wasn't a big deal - but i numeral if it is enough to use a tampon, it is a big business deal. I went to the gyno and she took me past its sell-by date the meds.

I would say supply it a month. I know its terrible, but present your body some time to adjust.

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