I do not have a regular spell?
ever since i had sex solitary once 1 year ago, i been not have my period for approaching months, the longest was 8 months! do i hold a disease? whats going on? im to scared to shift check..my last length was 3 months ago.
I havent eat anything today and i am not hungry?
well i enjoy never had a regular term until i went on birth control but when I go to the doctor after not having a term for 5 months then have one everyday for 6 months it turned out I have what they appointment PCOS that is controlled next to the right birth control and i have have a regular period ever since so I articulate go return with checked it could just be PCOS which can be controlled. and more question u can email me at [email protected]
Which birth control should I use?
You need to step to the doctor. I went through matching thing a few years ago. It turned out I hold an excess of estrogen. It would be better and safer for you to go to the doctor.it could just be a hormone piece i would go to the doctor lately to make sure you are ok. gotta stay wholesome! Good Luck!
While walking or just sitting, my knees crack. Is it unpromising?
.sounds like you call for a trip to the GYN..would you rather own a swab or an STD? Stop being a wuss and dance to the doctor. You might need to pee on a stick, are you PREGNANT?Why am i still on my interval?
Some women just hold irregular periods. Don't be worried you more than likely do not hold a disease. Go to the doctor, he will probably put you on birth control to regulate your period. You also have need of to check and see if your ovaries are healthy. In any grip don't wait any longer christen a GYN.you should go to your doctor...U entail to go to a doctor .effect if you do have a disease that might mar you.
The side effect of using cytotic?
Ever since gives a clue contained by selecting a homeopathic drug for your short-term menstrual problem.Please take IGNASIA 200c two doses for two days during bedtime and after a week please clutch ARNICA 200c two doses during bedtime for 2 days. This will resolve your problem.
Ask for ignasia 200 one dram pills and arnica 200 one dram pills in the homeopathic shop and they will give you two bottle containing pills. and one dose technique 6 to 8 pills dropped on a white slip of paper and drop them below the tongue.
please do not drink coffee. Can take tea.
Please agree to me know the result by email for my record sake.
[email protected]
I obligation an opinion preferably from a doctor!?
Go to you gynecologist to find out what's wrong.