Ladies: How normally do you check "downstairs" to see if it smells?

I mean no offense to ladies. I've met some girls who never smell, but in that are some girls out there whom you can smell layer of clothes away. I mean, don't they know?

Missed 1 birth control pill yesterday so i took 2 today (this morning) and still hold real impossible nausea.(night)?

Just an FYI here for you...
Smells in the nether regions can be cause by stress, the pill, medications, hormones, ovulation, diet contained by some cases, diabetes, periods (before and after), UTI's. a in one piece array of things. Cleanliness doesnt always enjoy something to do with it. I can also let somebody know you that douching actually make it smell worse.
And no, sense of smell on oneself is different to what others smell.

Should i see my doctor?

i don't, i usually bathe everyday

What is Masturbation? (I feel that's how you spell it)?

i hate that!
i verbs my ver good everyday! motive i hate that they smell...what's the biological purpose? yuck.

Okay i no this is unnatural but um is there really a gurl condom?

I am faddy about anyone clean and valet with sea after every trip to the bathroom. But I have lately had a bacterial infection in my womanly area and hold been doing deeply of research on the situation. My infection does not have odor but from what I've read in the order of Bacterial Vaginosis, most women have a strong fishy smell next to it. And it got me thinking that perchance there's plentifully of women out there beside Bacterial Vaginosis and they don't realize it. Because I've used bathrooms after other women in public places and have also notice that many hold an odor that I don't like. So, I guess if you take with a girlfriend that smells discouraging, you might want to suggest to her that she should go see her OBGYN for a possible yeast infection. I would also recommend to her that she insert some yogurt into her, munch through lots of yogurt, or take friendly germs pills. Because the OBGYN is going to prescribe antibiotics and those meds will kill adjectives bacteria - not basically the bad microbes that are causing the problem and we want the good ones within our bodies to be healthy. She will want to introduce good germs back into her system after the antibiotics or she could grasp the same disparity and infection all over again.

Why does one's menstual cycle relocate?

Yes, the blood of the period can engineer the vagina smell bad, but so can have an infection. This needs to be evaluated by a dr to see if an infection is indeed going on.

Is birth control forceful the first day you run it after your period ends?

When I shift to the bathroom, I can tell by purely sitting on the toilet and breathing through my nose if I involve some 'refreshment'. I don't check it on purpose per se, but if I smell something I lug care of it.

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