Just how difficult is natural childbirth?
Answers: I have had two and each one was different. I think my experience may be different because I was induced with pitocin, so I had natural contractions and pitocin contractions. It depends on your state of mind. "Modern" women have been doing this for over 100,000 years without medical intervention...I figured it's a natural process-can't be that bad! Plus, I wanted to be in control of my body and know exactly what I was feeling. I was also afraid with an epidural I wouldn't be able to feel the natural pains that allow you to feel when you're tearing and help you control your pushing. I'm not gonna lie...It hurt... but the baby was alert, I knew exactly what my body was doing, and now it's not something I have to wonder if I could do, or what it would feel like. I'm in the club. You can do it!.
I'm sure it depends on the person. I used drugs (epidural) because I did not want to experience any tearing or intense contractions. Once the epidural is in, you just have to wait until you are fully dilated (10 centimeters) and then start pushing. You push like you are constipated and hopefully if you do it correctly, the baby will be out after a few pushes. I am curious too. I had an IUD put in a month ago and I was shocked at how much it hurt (my uterus started cramping/contracting). I would like to do natural childbirth when I do have a kid so i'm going to star this question and check out the answers with you!