I have never have a yeast infection, how do I know if I have one? and where on earth in the world does the vagisil walk?


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Itching, burning. The first time you hold one, you should go to the doctor to fashion sure that it is actually a yeast and not bacterial infection. After the first one, the doc can narrate you how to treat it yourself. By the way, devour yogurt 3 times a day, it will relieve it go away sooner if it is a yeast infection, if it's not a yeast infection, it won't hurt.

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If you've never had a yeast infection, you want to go to the gyno, at least possible the first time. It might be something besides a yeast infection.

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Well sweetie.. if you enjoy an yeast infection..its will burn while urination..and be swollen.. and red.. and itchy.. and you will have white discharge.. the vagisil go on the outter walls of the viginal..unless your got the one for yeast infections where case.. it go inside.. you but the best .. possible way to seize ride of a yeast infection.. is got see your doctor that they will provide you beside anitbiotics..and its less messy.. and works really very well.. !

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Generally when you own a yeast infection there will be a foul normally discolored discharge from the vagina, which is usually accompanied by a pretty intense itch. Medications such as Monostat will help yourself to care of the actual infection- it's primarily antibiotics for the vagina. But as for the vagisil, you simply put the cream on the outer lips of the vagina- not inside- and it is pretty effective at soothing the intsense itch. If you are still unsure, take a trip to your gyno, they can speak about you for sure, and give you medication if needed.

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this may nouns a little gross but if you suspect you could enjoy one put a finger or two up your you know what and scrap them along the inside. When you verbs your fingers out if you have a white ponder substance on your fingers that looks like cottage cheese you probably hold one. the vagisil goes up your u know what. hope this help

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Hi There,1st yeast infection I would turn to the Dr. You don't need a GYN. Reason individual they're always coming out near a
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explore these spanking new techniques, hand over them a chance. I've never
used the products r supposed to bring, nor would I (like you) know how or if I'm doing it right! Bad enough have it, I'll go to the Dr. to ensure myself I will be rid of it. Besides he explains it to you and what not to do, what's not dangerous, what's not
All the Best in your Endeavours,
Diana D

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You will hold a yellowish thick discharge that have a fishy smell to it. You'll itch too. The vagasil, if its cream is like this.the tube get screwed into the applicator and you squeeze the tube until the applicator is full and stops. unscrew the tube and recap it. Lay down on your bed and just resembling inserting a tampon, you put it into your vagina the push the plunger until all of the cream is inside of you. bring the tube out but DON'T reuse it. I wear a daytime pad during the morning cuz there will be leaching. Do this at night b4 you shift to bed for 7 days. even if you start feeling better do the undamaged 7 days, cuz it'll come back worse. Good Luck

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