What is wrong near me? these are my symptoms?

very painful headaches
my lower rear legs hurts everytime i move
i'm tired all the time, and can just stay awake in the middle of the day
i win very nausious towards evening and right up to that time bed
whenever i stand up i'm dizzy and almost fall over
i've have increased need to urinate
i'm extremely moody, and its be making me angry that i cant control that
i cry a lot more.. chiefly when im nauseous though
my foot are kind of swelling
i own a clearish / beigeish vaginal discharge

what do you think is going on?
oh also i missed my length two and a half weeks ago, but i dont give attention to im pregnant i think something is wrong though

Any information on breast growth?

Lissa Marye,

You inevitability to take a pregnancy theory test...

If negative, run to your doctor about the symptoms.

If you are not pregnant, consequently you may just be stressing yourself out over a unpromising relationship and fear from man pregnant.

The medicine and condition information post by website user , womenanswers.org not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical counsel or treatment for any medical conditions.

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