What is the reason BEHIND the motivation that women MUST have period ?

I have a proposal.

Give me answers and I will share my theory.


My partner have a smear test Three days ago,since which time she have had a cramp in the lower pay for. Any link.?

Well, since the uterus is going to eventually be the "home" of a little one for 10 months, the uterus needs to stay verbs and health. It is easier for the human body to shed the bin liner of the uterus rather than to try and assert it. By having a extent the body is ensuring that the environment will be verbs and healthy when an egg is fertilized and set to be implanted. By bleeding the body is essentially flushing out the old. And providing a verbs, fresh, and healthy "home".

Does a physical include a pap tryout?

That could be.. (imagine this, Why don't you) That the female body produces an egg, contained by preperation of reproduction, it's released. Now if the egg isn't fertilized in a faultless amount of time, My guess is, the egg goes kinda unmoving and the body rejects it because it's no longer useful to it.
We hold it because our bodies have a pure course of 28 days.

Can you skip the last week of my Estrostep Fe birth control pills?

In command for a woman's body to prepare to have a little one, her uterus must prepare it's self. Each month the uterus builds up a lining to prepare for the implantation of an egg. If the egg is not fertilized after the uterus must slough off the bin liner in the form of a term. After the end of the term the whole process starts again.

any Questions?

Barely spotting after provera?

I enjoy no idea why God made it that road. So if you ever find out why tell me. =)

Do callgirls pilfer a week off every month during "that time of the month?"?

Because we similar to to have better sentence structure...Though I am very unpromising at mine, I always misspell But I am pretty apposite a capitalizing and periods. (the words "behind" and "Must" are adjectives caps which would suggest a shut in.or am i wrong?)
Periods go at the downfall of a sentence. or "behind" it. Women are more careful at that form of stuff then men.(oo Is that the right answer?)
Meows! =^-^=

Veiny foot?

I would say to complain ( I am married) but I would probably be hit for that.. so I would right to be heard it is because they want chocalate... ummm no. Oh I know, the have a cycle next to eggs (not bird eggs) and their body has to hold a good one so when the behind the times one goes "bad" they draw from rid of it.

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