Do i swallow or chew the morning after pill?

the directions did not tell me

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Don't chew unless the directions specifically tell you to. So, swallow, I guess...


usually swallow

Iz one rubber satisfactory for a first timmer plus the girl being on birth control?


1 a : a usually medicinal or dietary preparation in a small rounded mass to be swallowed total often capitalized : BIRTH CONTROL PILL

I hold light period and i used to skip periods loads. I've have my period since 11 , im 16 very soon. Is tht normal?


PLZ give support to!?

Whoa now! You never chew a pill unless the contents say otherwise, it has to be a chewable pill or one that dissolves contained by your mouth. You're supposed to swallow the morning after pill, with lots of hose down, and they suggest that you eat something next to it to avoid feeling seasick.

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swallow it and receive sure you take it at the exact time you are told to.

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