What is wrong next to my mom?

She recently have a hysterectomy, since then her red blood count have been getting lower & lower. What could be going on?

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It could be her iron is low or she could be loosing blood slowly from somewhere else, alot of times your rbc's can go down after surgery but your body rebound and they build up, if her dr has checked her, she's probrobaly going to simply need to nick time to and let her body make well it's self. good luck!! it can purloin 4-6 wks sometimes longer to go rear to normal but whenever her blood check be done and they noticed it dropping extremely her dr would get her contained by a.s.a.p so it's probalably just going to transport time. the vitamin she would need would be slowFE but telephone her dr tomorrow and ask about a iron solely supplement, and tell them your concerns in the order of her you have every right to know so you and your mom both are at luxury, have a well-mannered night hun and i hope every entity is well and it will be it lately takes time!

Why am I not getting my extent?

Low red blood count ususally means anemia which can be sort of common but not in truth "normal". My mom is anemic due to chemothaerpy for her cancer, anyways...she should definately make sure her doctor finds out why her red blood count is getting lower and donate her some vitamins or a prescription to help it boost spinal column up. She is probably more tired than normal, and explicitly why.

Has she been have extra heavy period since the hysterectomy? I'm not sure if heavy period can even make you anemic, but it's something to look into.

I hope everything go well for her.

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