Could in attendance be somthing seriously wrong?

I have be on birth control for 8 years and i did not have a time for two months but it came the third month i took a pregnanacy trial and the results were glum. I have be bothered with stomach pains,.headache and lower back pains. I be aware of dizzy and have a uptight feel. I also whip pm reliever with a sleep aid to sleep at darkness. Could there be somtheing serios?

Uti? some one answer me!?

If u r using any birth control pills ,consequently it could be the possibility,because fater all pills are hormons n they should nt be taken stop using such pills n communicate ur partner to use a condom,try to relax n consult a gynecologist.

Do you guys wax or shave your armpits?

Go see your doctor.

What r the first signs of onset of the menopause im 48 and although im appear ok now how will i know?

i'd ca;; a doc only to be on the safe long enjoy you had these syptons?

Why do tampons hurt me when i try to put them surrounded by?

Yes. Get off your BCP's. Look at the website for the a mixture of serious side effects.

Take a look at the Natural Cures.

Amenorrhea or stoppage of menstrual flow: Stoppage of menstruation is natural during pregnancy and at the menopause, but unusual at any other time. It is true that some women have totally infrequent periods but this seem to be peculiar to their particular type and cannot be term as stoppage. If, however, the periods enjoy been slightly regular for a number of years and after suddenly stop or the cycle becomes frequently interrupted, it denotes a out of action and devitalized condition of the system, especially of the sex organ. Causes contributing towards this condition are anemia, worry, grief, fright or other serious passionate disturbances, malformation of the womb, tuberculosis, displacement of womb and debility, especially after a serious disorder. The treatment for amenorrhea should be directed towards the rectification of the disease-condition responsible for causing the trouble contained by the first place. Along with this, a course of standard health-building treatment should also be carried out. If serious emotional disturbance have caused the trouble, an initial term of quietness and rest is essential to the treatment. All excitement, excessive mental strain and study should be avoided for a considerable period.

Treatment: The a variety of disorders relating to menstrual flow are indicative of the low level of a woman’s vigour and a toxic condition of her sex organism, which has be brought about by wrong customs of living, especially wrong dietary habits. These disorders are made more deep-seated and chronic by modern medical hard work to deal beside them through the suppressive agency of surgery and drugs. The disorders being systemic within origin can be tackle only by treating the system as a together so as to remove the toxicity from the body and build up the general health-level of the sufferer.

To begin such a scheme of adjectives round health-building treatment, the sufferer from menstrual disorders should begin beside an all-fruit diet for about five days. In this regimen, the forgiving should have three meal a day of fresh, succulent fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, papaya, oranges, pineapple, peaches and melon. No other foodstuff should be taken; otherwise the value of the in one piece treatment will be lost. However, if there is much shipment loss on the all-fruit diet, those already underweight may add a chalice of milk to each fruit dinnertime. During this period the bowels should be cleansed day after day with a reheat water enema.

After the all-fruit diet, the sufferer should adopt a well-balanced diet on the following lines:

Upon rising: A chalice of lukewarm water mixed near the freshly squeezed juice of partly a lime and a spoon of honey.
Breakfast: Fresh fruits such as apple, orange, grapes, papaya, banana and milk.
Lunch: A bowl of freshly prepared steamed vegetable such as carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, squash, and beans, two or three intact wheat chappatis.
Mid-afternoon: A glass of carrot liquid or sugarcane juice.
Dinner: A ample bowl of fresh green vegetable salad using all available vegetable such as carrot, cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes, radish, red beets and onion and mung bean sprouts.
Bedtime snack: A chalice of fresh milk or an apple.

The diet factor is of the utmost importance. Fruits and salads, nature’s body-cleansing and health-restoring foods, must form the bulk of the adjectives diet along with unharmed grains, nuts, and seed, especially in sprouted forms. Frequent small meal should be taken instead of few large ones to prevent low blood sugar which is adjectives during menstruation. The foods which should be avoided in future are white-flour products, sugar, confectionery, rich cake, pastries, sweets, refined cereal, flesh foods, rich, heavy, or greasy foods, tinned or preserved foods, strong tea, coffee, pickles, condiments, and sauces. Smoking, if dyed-in-the-wool, should be given up completely as it aggravates menstrual disorders.

A further short period on all-fruit, utter two or three consecutive days can be undertaken at monthly intervals, according to the entail of the case. The morning dry friction and cold hipbaths should form a regular factor of the treatment. All cold baths should, however, be suspended during the menstrual period.

Certain remedies enjoy been found adjectives in menstrual disorders. Cooked banana flower eat with curd is one of the more key of such remedies. The banana flower appears to increase progesterone hormone and reduce the bleeding.

Beet liquid has be found very forceful for menstrual disorders. It should be used in small quantity of 60 to 90 grams, at a time two or three times a day within these conditions. Coriander seeds are notably beneficial in the treatment of excessive menstruation. Six grams of these seed should be boiled in partially a litre of water. It should be taken stale the fire when only partially the water remains. Sugar candy should be added to it and the merciful should drink it when it is still warm.

Ginger have been adjectives in menstrual disorders. A piece of fresh ginger should be pounded and boiled in a cupful of hose down for few minutes. The infection sweetened with sugar should be used thrice on a daily basis after meals as a tablets for dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea due to exposure to cold winds and taking cold baths.

Sesame seed are also useful surrounded by menstrual disorders. Half a teaspoonful of powder of these seeds taken beside hot water twice each day acts excellently surrounded by reducing spasmodic pain during menstruation in immature unmarried anemic girls. Its regular use, two days prior to the expected periods, cures measly menstruation. Warm hipbath containing a handful of bruised sesame seeds should be simultaneously taken along near this receipt.

Safflower seed have also be found to be beneficial in the treatment of itchy menstruation. A decoction prepared by boiling two teaspoonfuls of powdered seeds contained by 120 ml. of water should be given as a remedy for this condition. Dried flowers mixed near confection of rose can also be given as a medicine for this purpose.

Hope this help, Good Luck.

New to sex questionneed helpIm totally confused!?

It may be the pill's side effects, it is catching up on you.

See a doctor tell him/her the unbroken thing, see a doctor who speaks your tongue. Your English is good.

But doctor may enjoy the problem.

There are other more convenient method of control, switch over to them for a while.

Have all things ruled out by individual test, so you will have peace of mind.

Do you reason im overweight?

nothing can be concluded as you r very brief on your symptoms and experiences! the nearest possiblilty could be the over use of birth control pills and depends on its side effects which rise and fall from pill to pill! and morover these symptoms do also occur within other cases like, stress, work overload, deficiency, stomach disorders, so i suggest u consult a doctor and get some test dont to rule out any danger! best of luck!

I hold absolutely no sex drive!!?

you entail to go to a gynacologist

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