Birth Control Question!?

If weight gain does go down while taking birth much is the usual amount of weight gain?

(I'm taking Yaz)

What does brown discharge plan two weeks after period?

The pills themselves don't label you gain weight. They can increase your appetite so that you put away more - and if you eat crap food, after of course you will gain substance.

Birth control pills are also often prescribed at a time when a young at heart woman's body is still growing into its adult shape - If you are beneath the age of 24 you will probably gain weight whether you are on the pill or not.

The hormones contained by the pills also mean that any tubby you do gain due to diet is deposited in more visible areas such as boobs, hips and butt - it can exaggerate any counterbalance gain.


If it's more than a few lbs. let your Dr. know ASAP


not extremely much (a couple pounds).. its basically merely your body retaining some extra water and usually go away by the 3rd or 4th month. good luck

Is this grotesque or what!?

There is no weight gain.

All that birth control does is remove cramps, not let you win pregnant, limit blood loss, and regulate period.

What should i do re the pill?

it not that it make u gain immensity its that u get cravings for food n snack so u own to just portion what u munch through n try to notice when ur have cravings

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