What exactly is "Implantation"?
Implantation occur when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall. In some cases (i.e., ectopic pregnancy) this occurs within the fallopian tube (a medical emergency).
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The implantation I know of is breast implant to increase breast size but I suppose you could implant anything to increase it's size.Ovarian cancer?wat are the symptoms?
When the sperm have met the egg, the egg journeys through the fallopian tubes, where on earth it travels down into the uterus. Once it arrives into the uterus, it clings onto the walls, and tries to "implant" itself into the uterine lining. This is what is agreed as Implantation.Implantation happens 5 to 9 days after conception. Once the egg have successfully implanted itself, the lining of the uterus sheds some blood. The blood travels down and presents itself 7 to 10 days after implantation. This is call implantation bleeding. By the time this spotting of blood reaches the outside, it have become "old" and thus looks black, brown, or dark red.
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