Any Doctors Out There?

I am 46. For the past 10-14 days, I own had EXTREME gastro-intestinal problems. I can't jump to bed without popping at lowest possible 3 Rolaids (I've tried but when I lay down I can't get comfy); I enjoy EXTREME belching (like I can't eat anything at adjectives without belching). I am around 30 pounds more than I should be and although I have tried contained by vain for 9 months, no matter what I do (walking, taking stairs, adjectives out fats and sweets, not consumption as much), the scale have not budged one pound. The last entry is (you'd best be a doctor) my bowel movements range from not going for 3-4 days to going at tiniest once each morning but with difficulty, to finishing week 2 days of diarrhea. PLEASE NO ONE SAY - go to a doctor. I hold 4 kids and extremely tight budget. Still paying off daughter's emergency cheek bladder surgery last year. Any counsel (sound not sophmoric humor). THANKS.

Oh lordy..PAP test?

I hold the same problems. It sounds resembling acid reflux/ irritible bowl syndrome. IF you run to a doctor the most prescribed medicines are greatly expensive. The one I am on though is a little over 10 bucks for a months worth. Without a doctors look in, I would try over the counter acid drug like Zantac and from what I enjoy read there are some "natural" over the counter meds for IBS.

*caffiene and sugar clear the diarrhea part worse for associates with IBS*

Period oblige?

so what exactly is your question.?..your symptoms nouns as though you have irritable bowel syndrome along beside acid reflux.
also if you are trying to lose shipment then you want to exercise on a regular basis....see the pharmacist at your drug store and ask him/her for direction on what to take for acerbic reflux
search the internet for proposal on acid reflux and irriitable bowel syndrome

I be aware of sick everytime I eat. What is wrong near me?

My husband suffers from the same things you do and it's a combo of overactive pumps in your stomach producing to much sharp causing acerbic reflux and your metabolism is probably slow or non exist. Your obvisously suffering from alot of gas and you should try taking GAS-X it will help next to the gas and belching and use Metamucil everyday that will help save your bowel movements regular. Give the metamucil about two days to really start working, and you will hopefully start to consistency better. Also stay away from gassy foods like brocolli, beans(chilli), or try using BEANO you can find adjectives these at your local drug store and they are not too expensive. Good Luck to you, the metamucil and GAS-X really helps my hubby.

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