Weird i know(ladies just?
Is my weight okay for my plane ?
it is most likely only early blood. sometimes when my length starts my discharge is a little dark. so i wouldn't worry roughly speaking it too much. if you are that worried go to a gynecologist.
honest luck i hope you find out what it is.
Why do my breasts hurt after my period?
it usually get darker close to that around ur period so its probably lately ur period coming fund. if it lasts for a long time travel to the doctor. good luck!How long does an average hot flash second?
you are only 13 and you said you time of year hasn't come since not worry you are contained by the beginning stages of this
if you are not sure please do not lurk and talk to your kith and kin doctor or gynecologist about this they own the best answers.
I just started too and I missed a complete month. I dont know bout the discharge but this website will answer all your question I promise. and go to ask Iris. Good Luck
OK..this is for girls solitary?
it usually takes going on for a year or 2 to fluctuate your period. dont verbs. the discharge is probably a little spotting that could head to your period surrounded by a couple of days. :]I was told that I hold a cyst in my gone breast but today?