I was told that I own a cyst in my disappeared breast but today...?

Ok I will start from the begining, I had a mamagram and they found something, it be in my vanished breast. I had an ultrasound and they told me not to verbs that is be just a small cyst. This be all at the lapse of last month. Well a moment ago a little while ago I notice that the two small moles that I have subsequent to my left breast and in a minute hard, turning purple and come across to have something growing out of them! I am freaked out AGAIN! I thought that moles doing this be a sign of cancer, anyone know anything about this? I planned a DR appointment and it is Friday afternoon......just more stress huh?!

Migrains connected to menstral spell?

jus go to the doctor and pray to God that it isnt anything cancerous. hope its something small that can be smoothly rid of.

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