How to loose some mass.?

i'm 5'1 12 yo and 125 lbs I've always be reallly thin but later I started taking medicine for my anxiety it made me gain immensity.and I want to loose weight enjoy any good tips? my bmi say I should be like 115 lbs for my age.

Please serve!?

go running every morning for resembling, 20 minutes, or just do 20 situps everyday, youll see progress, it depends were you want to loose counterbalance, think of adjectives over excersizes and make a schedual..its what i did, virtuous luck ;)

Im pregnant with a yeast infection. HELP!?

The best mode to lose weight vigorous is to smoke as many pack of cigarretes as you think your lungs can knob. Don't be shy; you'd be surprised much carbon your respiratoy system can take.

Also, you could try out some munificent of sport that involves a lot of cardiovascular happenings. Swordfighting offers oodles benefits. Unless you die. Try not to enage in duels that you really dream up may result in your own fatality.

Other than that, crack cocaine and exultation will do the trick, too.

Milky Discharge?

i know how you feel. when i be your age i was a bit heavy-set too. And i would suggest eating improved, regular exercise (running, sit-ups.. etc.) or maybe blend a team sport. i fixed soccer and it helped me out markedly much. if you dont like soccer, next any team sport can back you. or you can even ask your parents to join a gym next to you. Or you can go to your local YMCA. right very soon i am looking to loosing a few pounds, with college and work i find little time for my self. BUT working out and drinking right will help you on your track. good luck on loosing weightiness.

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