Ladies: Today's penis size put somebody through the mill?

Seeing as it must be asked over and over again I figured I would acknowledge the reality. So the questions:
What size do you expect a guy to be the first time you see him?
What size would you be dissappointed near?
What size would you be happily surprised by?
What size would freak you out?
What is the biggest/smallest you own been beside?
Anything else we should know about your thoughts on penis size?

ADULTS ONLY. My husband won't?

I other expect them to be 5-6 which is average.

I would be disappointed in anything less than 6-61/2

I be happily suprised next to my husband who is over 8(we joke this is why I married him!!)

12 would freak me out

The biggest is over 8...the smallest be 4 1/2

SIze does matter to an extent. But I will say-so the person next to 4 1/2 could work what he had better than some of the size 6's I be with. You get hold of what you get, cram to work with what you get!

Girls. do you care in the order of the penis's size ?

LOL. average size is 5 1/2 inches
7 is good
9 1/2 is large and anything bigger than to be precise EEEEKKKK!!

Least painful sexual position for girls?

1. 5 1/2 is accurate to me
2. 4 or smaller
3. 6 1/2
4. 7 1/2 or larger hurts but 8 1/2 and larger is really weird and would KILL
5. I enjoy been beside a 4 1/2 it was alright
the largest be 7

Anal sex?

5 1/2 to a six first time seeing him. size 4 would be very dissappoinnted, but a 7 is nice.Over seven is SCARY, it can tatty your insides.

I have grotesque brown discharge occassionally, what is it?

1. about 6
2. 4
3. 7
4. 10
5. 8 and 4, he be surprisingly good...

Vaginal niggle?

I've had boyfriends who be smaller and they were alright, boyfriends who be large (8-9 inches) and tey be good too. It is more next to how you feel instinctively about the issue. My boyfriend is abotu 7 1/2 and knwos how to use it - that's the biggest part!

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