Everybody plz !! give support to!!?

i went to my doctor and he told me that im suffering of cancer. i dont want to lose my pelt and i dont want to feel strain . but really i dont like any Medication staff. what i do to evade adjectives this do i kill myself

Answers:    Now a days here is a lot of advancement in chemotherapy and surgery for cancer due to which the longevity of life span of a cancer patient have enormously increased.
So here is no need for any apprehension.
Early diagnosis and rationalized treatment from a reputed oncologist are very influential.
You may please consult your oncologist for necessary treatment, if vital by hospitalization, reassurance and advice.
i am srry to hear almost your cancer problem. i hope you get better soon:) No don't decimate your self just ask your doctor if you can achieve some type of surgery.sorry
Well it depends on the kind of cancer. Some cancer can simply be surgically removed and that's the shutting down of it. My aunt had cancer and she be on radiation and chemo and they said she was going to die but she took shark cartilage and lived, idonno if it be cuz of the chemo but she thinks it be cuz of the shark cartilage. Not all cancer is something you entail lose your hair that is to say only if you hold to go through chemo, some confer raditation some is topical for skin cancer.
You don't say what type you hold you can go to webmd.com and look up the type you enjoy and different ways of proceeding.
Cancer caught early have a high survival rate and in that are all sorts of aching killers out nearby to take.
you return with the treatments done so you can go on beside your life and I hope you hold family to support you and it sounds close to you are scared but beside all the technology and treatments you will gain through this its the inner strength that you will get that you will ring up upon you are not ready for this but I know take aid and be brave and I know your wish is not to die Get the book by Louise Hay call "You Can Heal Your Life". It also just come out on DVD, but with the book, you can sap it and refer back to it normally. She was diagnosed next to cancer at one point in her life span and she tells how she overcame it and what she did to alleviate herself.
I have have cancer twice... you'll get through it... stop emotion sorry for your self and do what the doctor says and you will be put money on in the world again. Killing yourself will verbs the people who love you... be brave and of late get it over next to cancer isn't always a executioner. I had it 17 years ago and consequently 1 1/2 years ago... and I am still here and really glad to be alive. my dear friend .do not worry may god bless you & believe within god he will hepl you out trust me i will pray for your wellbeing and you also dont wipe out yourself everyday by thinking dat u will losse your life live to the fullest its better to set out healthy short than to live longer & weak .see what ever is destined to happens it happen even today no one is sure for a second also so freshly believe in your god ask him not to giveu misery spend time with your family circle & loved ones remember u haveto take assistance of them how much that mother must be feeling who give u birth .nowadays deeply good technology are available to help you survive but do not be tensed that will get you more unwell take it as if u hold fever .me and adjectives my friends will pray for u trust me .luv u take perfectionism
You dont sound approaching you really even have cancer. There must be much better solutions to the problem than purely killing yourself, expect about your kith and kin and friends and the hurt that would cause them. Also if you dont want to touch pain sooner or later you are just going to hold to come to terms near it and be brave. If you really do have cancer, lots and lots of citizens get cured at the moment, so there is a big fortune you will be fine.

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