Whats Wrong beside me:-(?

Ok, so the last five days I hold been so Nauseous! For the first 2 Days it be just until around lunch time, afterwards day three be ALL DAY LONG, day four be just until lunch time again, and very soon today I have it again!! I also own like cramp morale like i'm going to start. I usually excercise in the mornings but near the way i consistency i can't even do that!! I highly doubt that I am pregnant, becuase we use double protection birth control and condoms here was one time closing month when we didnt use condoms but he did the "pull out" item but i was still on birth control. But that month I have my period. So presently this month I have have this morning Nausea and I dont usually start until the 16,17 of the month. I'm on the Nuva Ring. Do you think in that is anyway i could be pregnant? Or do you think i enjoy like a Flu bug and i'm over exaggerating? Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated!

Im gonna try ketamine for the first time and I wanna try it alone near nobody there, is in attendance any danger?

You probably a moment ago have some sort of stomach bug. There's a occasion you could be pregnant but if you are using you nuva ring as directed and using condoms it is highly unlikely.

My clitoris is lose and the skin of my vagina is wrinkled & it does not darken my clitoris. it looks very gruesome.?

I think here is always a accidental. I mean nought is 100%. I would go to the doctor as soon as you can so you can carry checked out.

Would you rather be towering or short ?

I would go for a pregnancy tryout. I was on birth control the first time I get pregnant. It is possible to still have your extent the first month of pregnancy depending on when you conceived. You sound in recent times like me when I found out, thought I have the flu, but I was prego!! Trust me find out so that you aren't worrying, because I know you are.

GIRLS! If you use the oral contraceptive pill also specified as the "the pill" please tell me your experience?

If you are supposed to hold a period the 16-17 it could be to rash for you to have pg signs.
They first appear after an embyro implanted which ability ~14 days to have ovulation +7 to 10 days=cycle day 21-24
Does that fit into the picture?
As for the probability to get pg on nuvaring, you can never exclude it categorically. I hear a strange story of somebody who got pg while using an hormonal contraceptive since this CORRECTED an hormonal discrepancy she had... (!)
home pregnancy test will be reliable the first day you are overdue. Use first morning urine, to craft sure you have greatly concentrated urine though.

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