Have u met the queen?

have u met the queen and is she nice

i love her and i want to meet her but im contained by the united states is nearby a chance that i could

What is the plea for bad smell from my wife during intercourse?

nope never

During your monthly cycle?

what exactly does this hold to do with "women's health"?

Has anyone hear of hair falling out while on Micronor?

she be just in that last week ...

Is at hand any exercises to help me lose solidity around my hips?

Are you ill?

Ideal mass for 15 year old girl, 5'4"?

Why do you love someone who you hold never met and who has no elucidation of societies problems?

S I had sex give or take a few 6 times between the end of april and may 30 (being the second time)?


Yes, I was invited to one of her Garden Parties!

I be introduced to her and she is very nice.

She looks much 'softer' within real life span!

I'm sure there is a prospect that you could meet her sometime!

I want you the best of luck!

Am i at a normal solidity?

oh sure but you can skip the sir bit.

Help plz serious answerz only!?

i enjoy not meet the queen and im not sure if you could assemble her unless you went to some sort of celebration or if you did something really really righteous

If i had sex [may o1] and again [may o8]and get hold of my period [may o9]could i still bring back pregnant?

I've met her daughter Princess Anne, shes real nice and i saw the Queen contained by her car self driven home as i was walking down Pall Mall beside my boyfriend. She visits America moderately often so if you find out when and where on earth she will be you have a pious chance of seeing her.

Can you run the morning after pill with your run of the mill everyday birth control?

no i haven't met her, but i got a epistle from her lady within waiting, when i was within junior school. I be doing a project on London and decided to write to Buckingham Palace. I forgot adjectives about it and a few months following i got a reminder saying how nice it be for me to write. I still have the notification in a photo album. I be the talk of the university for weeks cos no-one had thought of doing that. Cos the dispatch was sent to me via the university, they were adjectives excited.

I have the lowest libido ever?

I haven't one-sidedly, but my brother did when he was youthful and when she asked him if he knew who she be he said "You're the lady on the stamps!"

I've met Prince Charles (twice), Princess Anne, and Diana and near the exception of Diana they were really nice and talk to me quite a bit.

Help! I enjoy an ingrown hair I can't reasonably reach satisfactory to 'dig' out and?

You enjoy asked this question surrounded by the women's health piece. Has she given you a health problem or something? I hold never met her.

I want my period!?

The Queen be in Jamestown Virginia give or take a few a week ago to meet the public and be escorted be Governor Tim Cain but what does that have to do beside women's health?

When will my menstrual term begin (please relieve!?!)?

no, thanks for the points though

Pills that certainly increase sex drive?

ive met both the queen and prince phillip.
the queen was really nice but to be honest the Prince be not.
he was terrifically up his own bum and very rude to me
He call me common
The queen tho was extremely nice she talks to you as if you are her equal not as if u are below her

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