Wht shud u do if u get harmone problem?

well i got harmoens problems and cuz ov dat i get 2 much hair on my facade and other body areas my fam doc gave me birth controll pills i tok em for few munths but i nvr feel normal they winter sport side ffects and i stopd taking them and i got 5,6 laser terments dun on ym facade but im not happy wid the result? gals assist me out?

In less than three years I will be 30 and I've hear that a woman reaches her sexual apex between 30 and 35?

talk to your doctor again, something else could work better than birth control

The pills and health information post by website user , womenanswers.org not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes simply and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions.

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