In yesteryear when I had sex the sperm go always out of my vagina but immediately it doesnt. Can someone explain that?

I don't dare to ask my doctor but in the past when I have sex the sperm flew out of my vagina but in the lasts months (after I hold lost almost 30 pounds) that happens anymore. Does the solidity loss have any relation? Can someone explain that?

Brown/black spotting?

You should consistency comfortable asking your doctor these questions, if, maybe you should consider a different doctor.

But to answer your request for information, is it the same partner? If not, probably they have different volumes of semen (very common). How around exercise? Did you use that to help lose the bulk or just diet? I don't expect the weight loss itself have anything to do with it, but possibly muscles all around are immediately tighter.

Tampon question ._.,?

How did you loose the freight? If it was medication or any sort of tablets it may own conflicted with the pill or anything you are taking to not become pregnant. Id be taking a pregnancy test or really asking your doctor.

Why do girls smell close to fish when they are on their period?

Consider the possibility that your partner is ejacutalting.

Home pregnancy test?

In the porn industry that called a "CREAMPIE"

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