My pennis benchmark too small in size please back?


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How small? Maybe it's quite conventional and you think is small. And afterwards, how old are you? Maybe you still hold some growing to do. If you are a grown-up, you can't change the size or shape of your penis but don't verbs too much about it because here are other things too that can help a woman be contented and happy next to you. Just be confident and always ask the woman what she like. If you want to learn, you will be considered a apt lover even with a penis to be exact smaller than usual.

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i reflect on this should be in men's strength. heee hee how embarasing

Could i be?

Umm, yeah...why did you go to the women's vigour?

This reminds me of the other day, I walk into the women's bathroom at the mall I work within and there be this foreign asian guy playing with the appendage dryer in here. He stopped, looked at me, and walked out really in haste. Then as I was peeing, I hear the dryer working in the men's bathroom and it be still going when I walked out of the bathroom. hahhaha
Random story. I know.

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awww dont be ashamed .. its not that big of a buy and sell there is other someone for everyone .. and if the girl likes you for who are after your penis size shouldnt matter

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U should mention ur size later ppl know that is it really small or u singular feel that.
I ll distribute u a link where on earth u could know about size(normal or not) and some exercise to increase u length or girth.

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