Vaginal Wetness?

I started my period a week impulsive, but it only last for 3days. I kept using tampons for the next 3days, bc my period are usually a week to 8days long. After the 3rd day, i figured that I wasnt going to bleed anymore and i stopped using tampons. But ive be having cramps. Like, time cramps but im NOT bleeding. Not even a little bit. Im sleepy, I enjoy head ache, and at first I was thinking that i could be pregnant but consequently pretty much ruled it out when i rethought it and remembered i bled for i wouldnt think that would be implantational bleeding. Even though I could be pregnant...Its possible. principal question: Ive be having serious vaginal wetness. Its clear and have no smell, but its SO annoying. Ill go to the bathroom thinking that I started bleeding again, but to find out its basically discharge or something? I have no opinion why my bodys doing any of this stuff! Does this sound odd/ enjoy u experinced this? what could be causing these symptoms? THANKS!

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My sis had simular symptoms and have a UTI . Go see a doctor . Good luck

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