I started my extent early within my cycle. Two Periods same month. Is this a big concern?
35 years of age..normal cycles adjectives the time. However this month I have have two periods. i am freshly a little concerned even after I hold been told that stress can do this and not mention other factor.
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A metamorphose in your time for 1 month is no concern. If it happens consistently (i.e. the subsequent 3 months), then you should homily to your doctor.
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Stress, menopause beginning, anemia, pregnancy...adjectives can cause this...It CAN be because of your age---if you be younger, I would say it be a factor of body adjustment to the "new company." It CAN be cancer-related. I'm not trying to scare you, I'm with the sole purpose letting you know the facts. You can also have a hormonal inequality. All of this needs a Gynocologist / ancestral doctor consult with papsmear. Good luck.
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I wouldn't verbs too much if it doesn't happen commonly. It could be stress, hormones, diet changes, etc.Stress is one factor. But, over eating can also be another factor. If you've be eating more than usual...two period can occur matching month.
This happened to me when I be younger, still a teenager. I be working on trail crew during the summers, and working very tough physically all day long. Since it be just for the summer, my body in the swing of things,and my periods regulated again. It be rather inconvenient, since I be camping outside, but zilch a good shower at the finish off of the week couldn't fix! I think it be just due to stress. I hope you hold the same experience. I decision you good condition.
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First, if you are on a 21 day cycle, you will sometimes shutting up with two contained by one month, very annoying I know, I hold that unfortunate cycle myself. Secondly, although it seem young, you could be peri-menopausal. Hormonal change can begin to alter your cycle surrounded by various ways.The bottom splash however, is to go and see your GYN. doctor. Spotting and/or irregular bleeding can be a sign of serious conditions from STD's to cancer.