I need seriouse answers roughly speaking down south... something isnt right.?

Ok i am 17 years old I am sexually influential. I have notice a smell latley that isnt to pleasing. I have a cottage cheese type discharge and I enjoy been doing something going on for it. I use apple cider vinegar with 2 cups of hose down to clean it out. It help, but now I am bleeding and i'm not on my length and im not supposed to be... whats going on. I'm really worried. Please help!

Its already 3 months,since i deliver my baby,is it ok to start using belly belts immediately?

the first thing you have was a yeast infection definety. the mixture that you be using probably effected your "area" within a negative method or the bleeding could have nil to do with the yeast infection but you should bring something from your doctor to take caution of if.

What do you think i own?


Its taking my period forever to start!?!?

Yeast infection, dance see your gyno.

Is it common for a man who have a vasectomy to have problems near an erection?

go to your doctor

Cellulite help.?

Sounds close to a yeast infection - since you're bleeding you should get to a doctor asap.

What size and style bra should i attain?

Im sorry,,, LOL!! But I believe that you are a guy pretending to be a girl.

Why am i having queasiness after sex?

you probebly have a yest infection and should have gotten some vagisal but very soon you better go to the docter to gross shure nothings wrong

Just woundering (plastik surgery?

It sounds like it might be a yeast infection, but don't try to treat it yourself! If you are responsible adequate to have sex at 17 you should be responsible adequate to go see a doctor!!

What do you do during your spell to relax and feel better fighting fit ways?

Sounds like a yeast infection. See a doctor.

Anybody have experience of using oil during sex? what are the side effect? how going on for react beside condom?

It sounds like you enjoy a couple of infections going one of them being yeast (and yes if bleak enough they can make happen one to bleed, I've had it crop up before). This definitely wishes to be evaluated by your dr.

What happens if a yeast infection go untreated?

As G. Bush said, see a GYOB (or whatever it be he said).

Plzz help me?

You any have a yeast infection or a bladder infection, you inevitability to seek medical treatment and stop douching, it is not righteous for you, just cleaning yourself after sex is angelic enough..

My friend say u can buy condom even though your under 16. Is this true?

Sounds similar to a yeast infection. Since this is your first one you need to see a doctor. For adjectives reference, it isn't a accurate idea to clean with anything bar plain old river.

What's a yeast infection?

Gotta see the doc on that on..STD or yeast, one of the two..sorry..needs treatment..If your flushed to tell one of your parents, travel to your nearest planned parenthood, they'll cart care of you for free~ :) accurate luck! Go! it will only achieve worst..with an odor..probably STD...Yeast itches!

Are the probability of getting pregnant really high after a feminine gets rotten her period..approaching four days after?

gonorrhea vs chlamydia vs just plain behind the times yeast infection ( cottage cheese). go see a doc. you will not suffer any fixed damage but necessitate evaluation and treatment asap - or you MAY have subsequently problems sike blocked fallopian tubes and infertility.
you also need to receive tested for AIDS and syphilis, and so do your partners. please chose ONE guy to sleep beside and have him check himself out for adjectives bugs. you are heading down a WRONG road, baby. not your idiosyncrasy - but please come back to "normal" sexual behavior. i indicate one partner, no STDs, protection. the works.
wish you resourcefully!

Spooting for over a month! and negative pregnancy interview!?

ummm it sounds like a yeast infection kinda. but women other have discharge. and im guessing the bleeding is from putting changeable stuff in in attendance.

Will my period finishing sooner if ?

It's def yeast infection, thrush. You so need to see a doctor, your GP can prescribe you meds to clear you out. Go ASAP as it will not travel away, your just mask the problem and don't use home demedy for stuff down there, you could sort things a lot worse, as you hold done so. Please go.

Fosamax or the generic, which is better for bones ?

Yes, it SOUNDS approaching a yeast infection, but could possibly bacterial vaginitis or trichomonas, so you should definitely progress to the doc and get it checked out. Also, the vagina is a SELF CLEANING ORGAN. You should NEVER douche or verbs your vagina internally with ANYTHING. Keeping the outside verbs with soap and sea is sufficient. Douching upsets the "natural" bacteria that live at hand and actually CAUSES vaginal infections.

REALLY short interval?

you might want to go to your doc, and soon.

My time of year is late, but I hold my tubes tied.?

well first of all i will call for to know more.
is this cottage cheese type stuff followed by itching if so then you may own yeast infection which is curable go by yeast cream.

if its throbbing when peeing or painful during sex or umm let see...fishy smelling or you have sores consequently its somethign deeper than that and you should not be putting products in your vagina!

go to the doctor honey you will own to now! your have sex because sex casues bacteria if its not verbs u do rub like crazy down in that honey\

and bleeding between periods is not awfully hedalthy get that looked at hurry!!

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Ok first of all if it's yeast infection (thrush) which it hopefully probably is, it have nothing to do beside sex and you can buy over-the-counter medication like Canesten Cream (you probably also requirement Canesten vaginal pessaries) or any cream and pessary containing Clotrimazole. Don't worry roughly speaking the bleeding, it's also part of the yeast infection if it is rather advanced.

Another likely alternative is a becterial infection, like E-coli. This is in recent times germs which got within through hands etc., but for this you inevitability an antibiotic.

If you try the yeast infection treatment and after the time stated in the package it doesn't jump away, then you have need of to see a doctor. In some places there are Sexual Health Clinics which are friendlier than doctors, but this depends on where on earth you live, maybe you can look online if within are any in your nouns. In any case, the third resort after bacterial infection is STDs, but in any case you own to see a doctor, the doctor is there to assistance you so don't hesitate.

Oh and for wash a nurse told me to use Aqueous cream, it is a cream but you just use it resembling you would use a liquid soap and it's the best for this nouns after plain water. I'm not sure vinegar is a pious plan... better stick to water.

Is it regular to be experiencing my period when it isn't due for over a week? I'm due 5/5 what could it be?

well the smell and cottage cheese approaching look are symptoms of a yeast infection by cleaing it with apple cyder vinigar and wet youve probly damaged the cell in the walls of your cervix i would run to the doctor ( do not just step get cream for a yeast infection) becuase you hold probly done laot of damage explain to him/her what happend as embarrasing as its going to be and if you are sexually influential you should get some test and a pap done as a precautionary measure

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