I just now go on Spirinolact/Aldactone and presently my time of year is INCREDBLY lighting and i'm not sure what to do.
Okay in good health i'm 14, and my period is relativly impossible to tell apart month to month. It comes when it should, every 30 days more or less. And it pretty much other lasts 7 days. It is pretty immense i guess, but its not something i memorize about other ppl, so i don't kno exactly what strapping is and whatever.
But i can read out after iwent on this medicine its REALLY REALLY LIGHT. Ive be on the meidicne for a week or so. And my period have been going on for approaching 4 days i htink, but everyday its like a drop. Sometimes theres plenty that you can actually produce out a puddle or something. But compared to what it was since, this is REALLY light.
Also, the first year of my period this week, it come out kind of blackish (no im not pregnant mind you) I looked up stuff and internet say its just clotting. Ive never have any of thisd happen past.
Answers: Whenever you are experiencing side effects from prescription medication you should definitely other inform your physician. Nevertheless, spironolactone is known to basis menstrual irregularities and this is a side effect that your physician should have informed you of prior to starting you on the med. According to a medical account article on spironolactone sometimes taking birth control pills in integration to the spironolactone can reduce the incidence of menstrual abnormality. Hope this helps!