Can Hickies Cause Breats Cancer?

If you get a hickery or bruse on your booies can you go and get breast cancer down the line within life.

Can you touch a blood clot in your uterus?

No. Cancer is cause by abnormal cell growths. What you are doing by getting a hickey (or bruise) is breaking blood vessel.

The only item you run the risk of getting is a blood clot. Which can be major if it reach your lung (pulmonary embolism) or brain (cerebrel embolism). Otherwise, the body just reabsorbs the blood and repairs the broken vessel.

Do ovarian cysts hurt more during your period?


My length is late even though I didn't hold sex. it's almost 2 weeks.?

lol, if my teenage daughter asks me this sooner or later, my answer will be "absolutely, positively, YES!"

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