Cramps!! why?

my period is two weeks tardy. i took a pregnacy test. gloomy. i have have unprotected sex. I have be having really discouraging cramps lately like the ones to be expected when pmsing. why? they enjoy lasted past its sell-by date and on for about three weeks presently. whats wrong?

No more period for moral?

well first of adjectives i would go to the gyn as soon as possible you could still br pregnant . but i judge you want to make sure you do not hold a tubal pregnencie,or possibally getting ready for a misscarrage. I don't aim to frighten you but please go to a doc as soon as possible and if the cramping get worse you should go to the e.r.

Does anyone know if Planned Parenthood surrounded by the Northwestern region of Indiana offers free birth control?

I am a boy I do not know, but I would drink like mad of water.

I'm 5'7" and weigh 115lbs?

go see your gyn. Perhaps from adjectives the worrying, your period can come slowly if you are stressing about it. But, I would in recent times get a checkup and see if im okay only just to be sure.

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