I don't know what's wrong?

The right side of my eye is all blocks and now my right arm is numbs

Birth control pills?

Call 911 if no one is available to cart you to the hospital, you are either have a stroke or a heart attack. DO NOT DRIVE YOURSELF THERE!! Something is not right!! Hurry Hurry, time is precious, im hoping that you have certainly left already... Best of Luck to you, you will be surrounded by my prayers. . .

Please i want my period!?

Go to the emergency room. It could be something vastly serious

Is it normal?

These can be symptoms of an oncoming stroke. Even young-looking people can go and get strokes although it doesn't happen as repeatedly as it does to older relations.

You definitely inevitability to get to the dr, as the previous poster suggested the ER is where on earth you need to turn for this so that they can evaluate this thing because this sounds serious.

Black Menstral Blood?

that is a sign of stroke, you should hurry and receive yourself to emergency room.

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