I have period contained by march, sex, consequently small period within april.could i still be pg even though period surrounded by april?


Is it safe be double penetrated??

A lot of women own nearly normal period for the first 1-3 months after conception. I did.

It could also be that everyone has slightly varying period every month. You could have purely had a fairly light one within April.

If you think you might be pregnant, steal an HPT or make an appointment beside your doctor.

I'm getting really bad extent cramps?

nope. if you have have your period your not pregnant.

How decisive is birth control?

yes it is possible. take a pregnancy examination and all will be revealed lol.

My Ten year outdated Daughter has mane on her armpits and pubic hair. Is her spell to close to follow?

Some pregnant women do have wishy-washy periods within the first months of pregnancy... take a oral exam... it is possible you could be

Isn't Santhi Soundarajan a woman but only slipshod the gender trial due to malnutrition? what is she up to in a minute?

Sex ≠ pregnant

Go buy a Preg test if you want to know.

Period Question?

i would hold to examine the equipment myself. lol.

How can you faint ?

yes. some women own their period throughout their entire pregnancy. Spend 30bux and catch a pregnancy test.


not if you have your period. if your worried walk see a doc though. i had mine, be told by a doc i was preg. it turned out i wasn't, but have to go surrounded by for an operation.

Tender Kisses?

I had like thing, extremely small spotting period, but it be enough to regard I had my term and I was still pregnant. Take a interview to make sure.

Is at hand a surgical procedure that can correct bladder weakness?

Take a pregnancy trial if your next time of year had not come subsequent month!

What can I do to my fairly big 'pot'?

it is possible to hold your period adjectives of the way through a pregnancy so freshly to be sure you should do a home pregnency test. if you are still unsure be in motion to a doctor or a pregnancy clinic

I'm coming off Depo subsequent weekadvice please?

Normally a woman ovulates every month, a period is the usually sign that the 'egg' be not fertilized; but sometimes during implantation of the egg into the uterus, bleeding occurs, much close to a period. Its other best to talk to a doctor. If your unwary to have a babe-in-arms consider abstaining from sex or use a contraceptive that is right for your body. (Speak near a doctor about this too).

hope this help.

Menstrual cycle/ 28 days?

If you have any concerns that you are I would programme a gyno appt for sure. They could say no. But if they say aloud yes (which is highly possible) you hold options and optimal prenatal attention. If money is an issue go to a clinic. But do not keep on...because if you are you are and you should have thought almost that before you have unprotected sex not after. I got pregnant surrounded by high college...because I waited to do anything I have horrible complications and almost lost my life and my child's. Today he is a fit 7yr old and we are have a wonderful time together. Then, if you are not and you are still concerned talk give or take a few options for birth control later you don't have to wonder so much.

Can the swing of climate be a reason for the deferral of your mentrual period?

The likelihood are.. as you had menstruation flow after sex... you are not .. what is small time of year.. i wish i could take to mean.. are you having irregular menstruation other.. but still .. if you have menstruated.. does not appear chances of pregnancy ..

If you want to hold some information to be shared and wish to ask relevant quiz in complete confidence.. i can mention a reliable source.. professionally back .. for such information.. e-mail ID is .. [email protected] .. you can always contact...

Moreover.. the answers on string are quite standard.. the conditions differ here and there.. so be sure... you can sure stir for a test.. as others say aloud.. no harm..

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