Sexual intercourse... not wet satisfactory?

recently when having intercourse i don't suggest i've been getting damp enough 'down within' and because of this sex has be a little tight.

what can i do so that i get raining enough again? in need the use of lube!

Skipping Period?

Spend more time getting close and turned on by fore-play.
But really, regardless, you should be adding some lube and any GYN would inform you this as well.

Yes, some are markedly sticky and yucky- but I would reccomend Astro-glide. It's water substructure and not sticky and yucky.

How many of you women out here like to own your nipples nibbled?

4play is the answer!

Is it commonplace? Period question?

more foreplay

Late interval but taking lots of precautions?

get a sexier boyfriend

NuvaRing question. HELP!!?

try to hold more and more foreplay. Find ways urself may be master bating alone and explore what makes u move forward and next try same with ur partner.

I own had 2 period a week a part, should I be concerned?

Try oral back sex

Is it true that you get pimples or acne during your period?

that used to happen to me until i found another boyfriend. newly something about his penis be different than my exs. but like others own been clich??, do more foreplay. but find out what foreplay works for u. maybe more spontaneous sex wud work on gettin u raining. watch porn b4 sex. that might work too.

Stop the awful dreams?

Get your partner stimulate your other sensitive parts of your body. Only you know. If you get the impression good, you seize wet glibly. More foreplay before intercourse.

Do u reckon it's ok to have a vigorous sex with a balloon use as a condom?

if you become more "excited" by havng more foreplay or even have oral sex before putting anything in, it will "slide" easier and will not hurt as much

Im 15 and i will be 16 sooni hold pubic hair and breasts but i still dont enjoy a period..what should i do?

think something like my long d*ck in your c*nt, and me licking your t*ts, I bet you'll capture wet later

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