Is there anything to net your period stop? or bottleneck it? besides pregnancy?


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the dep provera shot make you not have period..
its great....
you just procure a shot in your hip every 3 months(4 times a year) and poof,no period....
I also heard that a IUD call merena is suppose to work just similar to the depo shot in that it stops your period...
that is something that the doctor puts inside you and i make it so that you dont get pregnnat for up to 5 years..but if you requests kids sooner,it can be taken out very well...

Period Question~~?

Having your tubes tied.



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Yes but it is a shot that only a doctor can hand over called Depro Provera. There is also Yaz, a clean pill out, that shortens the period but again must be given by a doctor.

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yes , you can step to a doctor or a pharmacy , and ask for pills , they sell pills to stop the spell for a short time , it might aid , but its not good for your body chemistry . it wont hurt or diturb anything but its because you are varying a natural function within your body .

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Most likely is medication.

Help ME!! Please?

I had this entry called Novasure done. It have completely stopped my period. I will never own a period again. The doomed to failure thing is if you don't own insurance then it will cost you in the region of $5500.00 however it is worth it.

Girls only please?

Some Medications may brand name you skip your period. If you are on Medication, ask your doctor if this is a side effect from the medication.

Help!! Stretch red mark question?!?!?!?

You can draw from put on the birth control pill that allows you to control your hormone level thus not allowing you to cycle. Your doctor would be the best party to talk to almost it.

Can a pregnant woman go on the London Eye at 6months pregnant?

birth control pills or depro provera

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