Help ME!! Please?

Well, i am urinating ALOT like idea the need to pee every 10 miniutes. I dont go by alot of urine through, but i still pee a little. It is also itchy around my vulva and cliterus, it is sore to itch, it doesn't look uncharacteristic at all, and within isn't a huge amount of discharge, just middle-of-the-road, there isn't any distinct smell. It somewhat red from itchying so much, whats wrong with me?Itches around my labia. It isn't constantley itchy, but it's sore to touch. Only started inside a day. I cant be infected because i slept next to my [now] ex boyfriend about a week or two ago, we used condoms and we'v both never slept near anyone else but each other. Help please.

Why is it kinda of tricky when .? GIRLS ONLY?

bacterial vaginosis. Its perfectly adjectives in women. I own had it a couple of times and they pass you antibiotics to clear it up.

The other thing it might be is a urinary tract infection, if you are have strong urges to pee but dont urinate, and you have distress or burning there, its deeply possible you have a UT infection.

Dont verbs, but you DO need to be in motion to the doc. He will be able to properly diagnose you and perscribe you any called for medications to clear up the problem.
I do recommend that you abstain from sex until the infection clears up.

Good luck

I've recently started taking the combined pill as a contraceptive but?

you might own a virus, or you might be alergic to the soap, laundry detergent, or to something else. I would go see a doc to craft sure that there is zilch wrong with you.

What writ do body measurements go surrounded by?

You might have a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection. Both can be treated beside a perscription. I defintely would refrain from have sex,messing around, or masterbating untill it goes away. It can label it worse if you do have any one of these infections. You can look up the symptoms of both of these infections online, they are not STD's so dont freak. If this persists more that 48hrs, I would move about to the doctor. I hope you find this advice supportive, Im in nurse and see this stuff adjectives the time.

What are bras for?

you could still be infected from having sex. but i would progress to a doctor to get a obedient check up on it because it doesnt sound intensely good! i dont focus that anyone here can be too certain so PLEASE see a doctor! apt luck!

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Sounds like a yeast infection or a urinary tract infection

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It sounds like you may hold a urinary tract infection. These are quite adjectives , and easily corrected. You should pop in your doctor. In the meantime, flush your kidneys. You can do this by drinking a lot of marine and cranberry juice. You could also own vaginitis.
Please see the doctor to rule it out.
Good Luck

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